
Download How Do You Love lyrics song lyrics

Free How Do You Love lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now How Do You Love lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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How Do You Love lyrics
Artist : Collective Soul
How Do You Love lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
How Do You Love lyrics

There once was love thrown into your room
But you never knew
A calendar of days just for you
But you never knew, never knew no
And the truth that you ll find will always be
The truth you hide

So how do you love, how do you love
When your angels can t sing, and your world is still
Lacking of me

There once were eyes that only saw you
But you never knew
A portrait of a flower in full bloom
But you never knew, never knew no
And the words that you fear will always be
The words you hear

This space where you ve been living
Has gifts you ve never given
That s the face you always show
Ask me for words of wisdom
Tell me of your condition
I don t know, I don t
I don t know

And the truth that you ll find will always be
The truth you hide
song lyrics

How Do You Love lyrics Video Song

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