
Download No Sleep lyrics song lyrics

Free No Sleep lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now No Sleep lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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No Sleep lyrics
Artist : Cardigans
No Sleep lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
03.45 No Sleep lyrics
Songwriters: Svensson, Peter Anders; Persson, Nina Elisabet;

It s way too late to think of
Someone I would call now
And neon signs got tired
Red eye flights help the stars out
I m safe in a corner
Just hours before me

I m waking with the roaches
The world has surrendered
I m dating ancient ghosts
The ones I made friends with
The comfort of fireflies
Long gone before daylight

And if I had one wishful field tonight
I d ask for the sun to never rise
If God lent his voice to me to speak
I d say, go to bed, world

I ve always been too late
To see what s before me
And I know nothing sweeter than
Champagne from last new years
Sweet music in my ears
But a night full of no fears

But if I had one wishful field tonight
I d ask for the sun to never rise
If God passed the mic to me to speak
I d say, stay in bed, world, sleep in peace
song lyrics

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